Sustainability is multidisciplinary in nature and is already a major theme of many courses across UMD’s colleges and departments. Making the changes necessary for UMD to operate more sustainably requires the unique contributions and creativity from students and faculty in all areas of study.
Liberal Education Courses
Three credits in a sustainability-focused course are required in the liberal education curriculum at UMD. Courses in this category focus on ways in which the science of the natural environment interacts with economic, social, and political forces in a local, national and/or global context. For the current list of sustainability-focused liberal education courses, click here.
Sustainability Portal
The UMD Sustainability Portal is a tool to find sustainability action at UMD, organized by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This interactive map can be filtered by Courses, Faculty, Research, and Community Organizations to help you connect interests to action. Created and maintained by the Institute on the Environment at UMD (IonE@UMD) the portal can be accessed here.